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Besichtigung des Dakshinkali-Tempels - Private Tour

Sofortige Bestätigung Hotelabholung inklusive
Ab 106,91 US$ /person


  • Wann findet es statt?


  • Dauer

    4 HOURS

  • Treffpunkt
    • Sightseeing of Dakshinkali Temple - Private Tour,
    Kathmandu, Nepal,

Warum gerade diese Tour

  • Einfach zu buchen - einfach zu stornieren - einfach zu ändern!
  • Früh buchen und Rabatte erhalten
  • Sparen Sie im Vergleich zu den lokalen Preisen!
  • Genießen Sie die Aussicht


Start your tour by visiting the Dakshinkali Temple, dedicated to Hindu Goddess Kali, which is the fearful form of Lord Siva’s consort, Parvati. The main deity in the temple is the black stone, six-armed form of Kali, standing on a prostrated figure. Dakshinkali is at the south end of the valley between two hills and at the confluence of two rivers. Sacrifices are made two times a week at this temple. Saturday is the main day of animal sacrifices and a less important day is Tuesday.

Continue your tour and proceed to Chovar gorge, the only outlet for all the water of the valley. Legend has it that Manjushree, an ancient saint from China, cut the mountain with his magical sword to drain out the water from the Kathmandu Valley Lake to make it habitable. There is a small but picturesque temple of Adinath on the top of the hill with a magnificent view of the snowcapped peaks. Just beyond the gorge is a temple of Lord Ganesh. The main image of the shrine is a massive rock, naturally carved.

The tour ends with the visit of Kirtipur town, perched on twin hillocks and clinging to a saddle about 5 km southwest of Kathmandu. A long flight of steps leads up to Kirtipur from the valley floor & a motor able road goes part way up the hill. Steep paths link brick houses built on terraces are the main attraction here. The villagers dressed in traditional costume working on ancient looms are also sighted. The people here are well known for their strength and valor as many historical battles were fought and won by the inhabitants of Kirtipur. Post completion of the tour, you shall be transferred back to your hotel of stay.

Inbegriffen & Ausgeschlossen


  • Guide
  • Tickets
  • Transport


  • Any additional expenses which are not included or detailed in the programme.
  • Gratuities

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